Luong Restoration & Rangeland Ecology Lab Department of Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management - Cal Poly Humboldt

California Grassland Restoration, Action, Science and Stewardship Network (GRASS-NET)

The Grassland Restoration Action, Science and Stewardship Network (GRASS-Net) – GRASS-Net envisions successful grassland restoration projects that take best practices into consideration, that are cost effective, prepared for the erratic drought regimes of the climate crisis, and promote regionally diverse and culturally significant species. We aim to bring together restoration practitioners across the state to share knowledge and minimize biotic homogenization in restored areas. Biologically diverse California (CA) range and grasslands are an increasingly crucial solution to carbon capture and climate change mitigation opportunities. California’s grasslands are biodiversity hotspots and globally unique, but climate change will make it unsuitable for endemic species; so innovative restoration must focus on climate resilience for a diverse suite of species. Recent research found that restoration of California grasslands typically focuses on only 7 key perennial species across the entire coast.


GRASS-Net encourages increased communication between land managers, non-government organizations, state/Federal agencies, private firms, and tribes. Participants in GRASS-Net benefit by having a space to troubleshoot mistakes, exchanging techniques, and sharing information about seed and invasive species management, to name a few. We are still developing what this network could look like and how it may function.

If you do practice grassland restoration in CA and you have input, we would love to hear from you! You can fill out our GRASS-Net survey for restoration practitioners here. Get connected with other restoration practitioners, use our climate smart species selection toolbox for your next restoration project, or take our survey to share your thoughts!

Recent research found that restoration of California grasslands typically focuses on only 7 key perennial species across the entire coast.

Link to GRASS-Net Survey
GRASS-Net (Grassland Restoration Action, Science, and Stewardship Network) developed this survey for California grassland restoration practitioners to help establish a network in coordinating grassland restoration activities and sharing restoration knowledge and practices.

Please take the survey if you have implemented or planned any grassland restoration projects (not research). GRASS-Net aims to develop and share effective climate-resilient practices, facilitate seed exchanges for hard-to-access species, and develop coordinated strategies to increase plant diversity in restoration with practitioners involved in restoration projects.
